A Digital Journal

Photography by Tony Triolo

Rails and Tales

Lately, it seems that it’s been more and more difficult to find time to grab a camera and just steal a few hours away from the daily routine of life.  Today, however, I did manage to do just that.  I also wanted to test out the new Leica M9 rangefinder I just acquired.  I found myself out at the site of the old Chase Nursery in northeast Huntsville, not far from the Alabama A&M campus.  Today, the area is better known as the location for the North Alabama Railroad Museum.  During the winter months, it is only open two days a week (Wednesday and Saturday), but it’s always accessible if you are just wanting to look around, study, and photograph old trains.  That’s what I did.  I have been to the museum many times before and the last time was to accompany my grandchildren on the Santa Train, which the museum staff runs at Christmastime.  In fact, the Mercury and Chase Railroad offers many excursions throughout the year, traveling over a section of the historic Huntsville Branch of the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis Railway.

Here are a few of the images I came away with from today’s visit.

The centerpiece of the museum features the Chase Depot, the smallest union depot in the country since it served more than one railroad when in service. It is the bright green building in the photo above.  Over thirty pieces of major rolling stock have been preserved including both freight and passenger equipment and three historic locomotives. Plans for future development are being made and when completed the museum is sure to be a facility that is both unique and attractive while maintaining a character all its own.  Best of all, photographers are welcome and photography is encouraged.  Just be respectful of the locomotives, cars and equipment, and be careful.  A misstep can send you and your equipment to the pavement quickly.

Come by my gallery at the Lowe Mill in Huntsville and see these prints as well as many others.

North Alabama Railroad Museum, Inc.
694 Chase Road
Huntsville, Alabama

February 17, 2012 Posted by | Alabama, Historic Alabama, Huntsville, Madison County, Photography, Transportation, Travel | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment